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Brother's Keeper/ChangeLog
aus GenWiki, dem genealogischen Lexikon zum Mitmachen.
Änderungshistorie (Change Log) von Brother's Keeper
(entnommen und übersetzt von der Originalseite: http://www.bkwin.net/changes6.htm)
Version vom | Art[1] | Gegenstand |
6.6.1 31.10.2012 | N | New Utility to search for Duplicates in the database and help merge them.
Neues Hilfsprogramm für die Suche und Verschmelzung von Duplikaten in der Datenbank |
N | New report Descendant (Marriage records) to show marriages information with spouses, parents of spouse, and children.
Neuer Nachfahren-Report (Hochzeitsdaten) für die Auflistung von Hochzeitsinformationen mit den Ehegatten, deren Eltern und Kindern | |
N | New report Missing Sources to show all events that do not have a source attached.
Neuer Report "Fehlende Quellen" für die Auflistung aller Ereignisse ohne Quellenangabe | |
N | The Descendant Box Chart has a new option on the File menu to create an HTML file of the box chart with pictures.
Die Nachfahren-Grafik (Kästchen) hat im Datei-Menü eine neue Einstellung, um die Grafik mit Bildern als HTML-Datei zu generieren | |
N | The Descendant report has an option on the File menu to send the report to an RTF file.
Der Nachfahren-Report hat im Datei-Menü eine neue Einstellung, um den Report in eine RTF-Datei (Rich Text Format = Textdatei mit erweiterten Formatierungsmöglichkeiten) zu speichern. | |
N | New Utility to 'fix text file path'
Neues Hilfsprogramm zu Korrektur des Verzeichnispfades zur Textdatei ('fix text file path') | |
N | When printing the ToDo list, there is a new option to print all Status, except for Completed. (All non-completed statuses)
Beim Drucken der Aufgabenliste (ToDo List) gibt es eine neue Einstellung, um alle Aufgaben zu drucken bis auf die im Status erledigt ("Completed") (All non-completed statuses) | |
6.5.17 19.09.2012 | N | Added option to 'show burial date if death unknown' on the Tree chart.
Auf der Baumgrafik gibt es eine neue Einstellung, dass bei unbekanntem Todesdatum das Begräbnisdatum verwendet werden soll ('show burial date if death unknown') |
C | Added about 25 new lines for the translators to translate.
Über 25 zusätzliche Textzeilen in der Übersetzungsdatei ergänzt. | |
C | Added some new options for the beta testers of 'Search for Duplicates' utility
Einige neue Einstellungen für die Betatester des Hilfsprogrammes "Duplikatssuche" ergänzt | |
6.5.16 01.09.2012 | C | This version has changes for the language translators so that they can update the language files. It might take a couple weeks before the translators get their versions ready. The new translation program is also available.
Diese Version enthält Änderungen für die Sprachübersetzer, damit sie die Sprachdateien aktualisieren können. Es kann ein paar Wochen dauern, bis die Übersetzer ihre Arbeit getan haben werden. Das neue ÜBersetzungprogramm ist ebenfalls verfügbar. |
6.5.15 31.08.2012 | F | Fixed a bug in version 6.5.14 where the Spouse name was not printing on Box charts when printing to paper.
Fehlerbereinigung aus 6.5.14: In "Kästchen"-Diagrammen wurde bei der Ausgabe auf den Drucker der Name der Gatten nicht gedruckt |
N | Added an option to show if descendants are Adopted, Step, Foster on the Box chart.
Ein Einstellung wurde ergänzt, um bei Nachfahren zu verwalten, ob sie Adoptiv- (adopted), Stief- (step) oder Pflegekinder (foster child) sind | |
C | When printing a List of Sources, it now puts the word Author, Title, Comments, etc. before the text it is printing.
In Quellenlisten werden nun die Worte "Autor, Titel, Kommentare, usw." vor dem auszugebenden Text gestellt. | |
6.5.14 23.08.2012 | F | Fixed a problem of overlapping pictures with the new feature on the Register Report for showing all children in the next generation.
Die fehlerhafe Überlappung von Bildern mit der neuen Möglichkeit, in einem Registerbericht sich alle Kinder der nächsten Generation anzeigen zu lassen, wurde behoben. |
N | Added an option to show Divorce on the Tree chart, Box chart, and 4 Family Box chart.
Eine Einstellung wurde ergänzt, mit der man auf der Baum-, Kästchen- und Vier-Familien-Grafik Scheidungen zeigen kann. | |
N | Added an option to show if descendants are Adopted, Step, Foster on the Tree chart
Eine Einstellung wurde ergänzt, mit der man auf den Baumgrafiken zeigen kann, ob Kinder Adoptiv- (adopted), Stief- (step) oder Pflegekinder (foster child) sind | |
N | Added an option to show if children are Adopted, Step, Foster on the Group sheets (but not when using the compressed option for children
Eine Einstellung wurde ergänzt, mit der man auf den Familienblättern (group sheets) zeigen kann, ob Kinder Adoptiv- (adopted), Stief- (step) oder Pflegekinder (foster child) sind (dies geht nicht, sofern die verkürzte Ausgabe für Kinderdaten verwendet wird) | |
N | On the Compute Relationship screen, add new button to set options for Box chart
Bei der Verwandschaftsberechnung gibt es eine neue Schaltfläche, über die man die Bearbeitungsmasken der Einstellungen für die Kästchen-Grafiken erreicht. | |
N | Option to show occupation, ref. num, or dates for parents of spouses on Register Book and Indented Book report (notes/children tab)
Eine neue Einstellung, den Beruf, die Referenznummer oder Daten von Eltern der Ehegatten in den Ausgabeformen "Registerbücher" und "Eingerückte Bücher" auszugeben | |
6.5.13 03.08.2012 | F | Fixed 2 problems with the new feature on the Register Report for showing all children in the next generation
Zwei Fehler wurden bereinigt, die in der neuen Möglichkeit im Registerreport auftraten, alle Kinder der nächsten Generation zeigen zu lassen. |
C | Changed the routine for searching for Alternate Names to try to speed up the version from 6.5.12
Die Suche nach Ersatznamen wurde neu programmiert, um sie im Vergleich zur Version in 6.5.12 zu beschleunigen. | |
6.5.12 28.07.2012 | F | Fix error 70 if making PDF file (with index) for register report book.
Der Fehler 70, der bei der Erstellung einer PDF-Datei Registerreport als Buch auftrat, wurde bereinigt. |
C | The select person screen shows up to 6 spouses instead of 3.
Der Bildschirm mit der Personenauswahl zeigt nun bis zu sechs anstelle früher nur maximal drei Ehegatten. | |
C | When printing Group sheets or Book reports remove ,,, from the front of locations.
Wenn Famlienblätter oder Buchreports gedruckt werden werden ,,, vor den Ortsangaben entfernt. | |
F | Fixed problem on Edit with screen size 1280 by 1024 where right scroll bars were not showing.
Ein Problem mit der Bearbeitungsmaske auf Bildschirmen mit der Auflösung 1280*1024 Punkte (Bildlaufleisten waren verschwunden) wurde behoben. | |
C | Global search and replace can change Event to Other.
Das globale Suchen und Ersetzen kann jetzt auch auf Ereignisse angewendet werden. | |
C | On gedcom export if excluding data for living people, and if a person has NO dates, (but spouse is living) then do NOT say "details excluded" since there were no details
Wenn bei einem GEDCOM-Export Daten lebender Personen unterdrückt werden sollen und eine Person hat keine Datumsangeaben aber einen lebenden Ehegatten, werden die Details bei gesetzter Option "Details unterdrücken" auch für diese unterdrückt. | |
N | Register Book. New option to show all children in next generation (even if they had no children of their own.)
Registerbuch: Eine neue Einstellung, um alle Kinder der nächsten Generation anzuzeigen, auch wenn sie selbst keine Kinder hatten. | |
C | On the select person screen show spouse baptized or christened date if birth is blank.
Auf der Personenauswahlmaske wird für die Ehegatten das Taufdatum angezeigt, sofern kein Geburtsdatum verfügbar ist. | |
C | Added 'Legal Name Change' to Events. This is an event instead of being just a name change on the Names tab. However, if you are searching for alternate names, it will also look for this event along with the names on the Names tab.
Ereignis "Legaler Namenswechsel" ergänzt. Das ist ein Ereignis im Unterschied zur einfachen Namensänderung in den Namensfeldern der Person. Wenn nach alternativen Namen gesucht wird, werden derartige Ereignisse neben den Daten in den Namensfeldern mit berücksichtigt. | |
6.5.11 09.05.2012 | F | The 6.5.10 version sometimes gave a 'subscript out of range' error for Box charts.
C | On Group Sheets, if you are printing 'All' for children, it used to say 'spouse' but now it will say 'husband' 'wife' 'partner' 'fiancee'
| |
C | On Group Sheets, if you are printing 'All' for children and printing Children notes, it used only print Individual notes for the child, but now it will also print Family notes attached to the child.
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6.5.10 05.05.2012 | F | When printing a Blank group sheet with the previous version, it gave an error message.
C | On Group Sheets there is an option to show dates, or ref number, or occupation after the Father and Mother names. This option is at the bottom of the Notes/Children tab.
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6.5.9 21.04.2012 | C | Gedcom export, new option (combobox) to exclude data for anyone born recently, whether living or not.
F | Fix the 'subscript out of range' error if sorting a family with over 30 children.
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F | On the Birthday report, it would sometimes change the name of a female to the last name of a fiancee.
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C | Added button to 'open with default picture program' to source picture screen.
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F | On the new 6th generation for the Ancestor chart display, it sometimes did not have the correct numbers. Also you can click people in the 6th generation now. There is also an Option under Options to only show 5 instead of 6 for those people that do not want to see a smaller font size in the 6th generation.
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F | On the Group sheet report, if printing Ancestors, it would sometimes not print the first person.
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C | On the Group sheet, instead of just Husband or Wife, it will print Partner or Fiancee.
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6.5.8 24.03.2012 | C | It can show 6 generations on the screen for ancestor chart if 1024 by 768 or larger
F | On the Edit screen, if adding a spouse in place of a 'not entered' spouse, and you pick an existing person, it was adding the marriage events to the first spouse not the current spouse.
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C | When you create a gedcom file, the program will also make a file called BKGedcomPicMedia.TXT with a list of needed pictures and media files.
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F | In the utility to compare two databases, the right side was not showing the "primary" spouse if one was designated.
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F | When you add a child's last name using CTRL+Enter the program will move the cursor to end of name.
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C | The Source select screen and the source edit screen are larger if you are using 1024 by 768 screen size.
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6.5.7 25.02.2012 | N | New option on the Collapsed Ancestor Chart to show if the couple was divorced
F | The Compute Relationship Box Chart would sometimes not make the box wide enough if the spouse name was the longest.
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F | On the Gedcom Export, fixed a problem where it would sometimes split a double wide character between note lines.
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C | On the Edit screen on the Media tab it will say 'File not found' if it can not find the media file when you try to view it. )
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6.5.6 03.02.2012 | N | New under File, Utilities, to do a Global sort of marriages. This is useful if you do a gedcom import and the marriages for each person are not in the correct marriage date order.
F | Fix error 53 from happening when you are printing reports if some temporary .dta or .dat files were 'read only'
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C | On the File, Statistics screen, added the number of source citations.
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N | When doing a Backup, it will create the file BKFileNotFound.txt to show the file names of text or picture or media files that were not found. (Files that are attached to people, but not on the drive where they should have been.)
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6.5.5 19.12.2011 | F | The new version of FTM makes gedcom files that might cause 'input past end of file' errors in BK, so that has been fixed.
F | When using the utility to compare two databases, sometimes when adding a second spouse it would still show the marriage date for the first spouse.
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6.5.4 06.12.2011 | N | The File, Quality Check routine has two new options, so it will not stop for those two items each time you run it. (In case you already know about those two problems, and you do not want it to stop for those.)
F | Sometimes the shortcut key CTRL+Shift+H was not working correctly on the Source screen. (if you had assigned something to that key)
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F | Sometimes the Ancestor chart display made the font too small for the last generation.
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F | On Gedcom Import it was importing 1 ALIA tag OK, but it was saying it was not imported.
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6.5.3 28.10.2011 | N | The Gedcom export and import handle adopted, step, or foster settings from the Edit screen.
F | Fixed some problems when making HTML files for Group sheets regarding children with only one parent.
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F | On the Edit screen, if you first changed events for a person, then you deleted a child connected to that same person, it was not saving the events.
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F | Changed color of the new button on Picture tab on Edit screen (if you have set special colors for buttons.)
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6.5.2 10.10.2011 | F | Fixed a problem on the Select Person screen when clicking Options, the Options screen was too far to the right.
C | When printing the Ahnentafel Book with the option to also print all information for children, it was sometimes printing more than it needed to. Now it will not print details for a child if that child is also an ancestor and is printed elsewhere with the details.
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C | On Ahnentafel Book, it was sometimes printing the Notes for a spouse even though that same spouse is also an ancestor.
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N | There is a pop up tooltip for the Comments box on JPG pictures that tells how to turn off the option to show the comment box.
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N | This verson will shows words like Partner and Fiance instead of just Spouse on the Select Person screen.
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F | On the ahnentafel book, if using the 4th choice for 'he married' it was not printing a general family source if there was a marriage date
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6.5.1 23.09.2011 | C | The Utility to globally change one event name to another event name will work to change Other (with description) to Event (with location) now.
N | On the Edit screen on the Picture tab, there is a new button to open the picture with your default picture program.
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N | Normally when you do a Gedcom import, the people have new numbers assigned in BK. However, if need to keep the same numbers that people have in the Gedcom file, then press the F3 key on the gedcom options screen before importing the gedcom file.
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N | When you click a picture on the Edit screen and BK shows it on a separate screen, it can show Comments if there are comments built into the JPG file. To turn off the comments, pick File from the top menu.
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F | On Ahnentafel book report, if doing children full data, and if doing notes, and if there was a Family Note, it would sometimes print the family note before the data for the spouse
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6.5.0 15.09.2011 | C | The version has been changed to 6.5. The new BK 6.5 manual and CD are available from the online store.
F | Fixed a problem with the 'Locations with Events' routine where a custom family event was not showing correctly.
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- ↑ Legende:
- N = neu
- C = geändert
- F = Fehlerbereinigung