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Familie Tracing genannt Steinwald Dzingellen,Kreis Oletzko baptism of Johann Steinwald, 25.08.1862 (KB 901, S. 396, Nr. 78), Dzingellen parents: Martin Steinwald/ Sophia Lipinski; - baptism of Mathes Steinwald, 25.11.1864 (KB 901, S. 420, Nr. 144), Dzingellen, parents: Martin Steinwald/Sophia Lipinski (I think, the name is a little mistake); - baptism of Luise Steinwald, 24.09.1867, (KB 901, S. 445, Nr. 86), Dzingellen. parents: Martin Steinwald/Maria Pychlo: Marcin Steinwald, born on 12.05.1870 in the town of habitats (Schedlisken) near Elk and Elk