Kopie des alten Systems

Dies ist eine alte Kopie des GenWiki und spiegelt den Stand vom 8. Mai 2022 wider.

This is an old copy of the GenWiki and reflects the status as of May 8, 2022. Please visit us at wiki.genealogy.net


aus GenWiki, dem genealogischen Lexikon zum Mitmachen.

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class GovTools {
     * Converts date specification given in years into julian dates.
   function normalizeNames( $govObject ) {
      // convert names into an array if necessary
      if( !is_array( $govObject->name ) ) {
        $n = $govObject->name;
        $govObject->name = array();
        $govObject->name[0] = $n;
      foreach( $govObject->name as $n ) {
        if( isset( $n->{'begin-year'} ) ) {
            $year = $n->{'begin-year'};
            $jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN,1,1,$year);
            $n->begin->precision = 0;
            $n->begin->jd = $jd;
        if( isset( $n->{'end-year'} ) ) {
            $year = $n->{'end-year'};
            $jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN,1,1,$year);
            $n->end->precision = 0;
            $n->end->jd = $jd;
        if( isset( $n->year ) ) {
            $year = $n->year;
            $jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN,1,1,$year);
   function getName( $govObject, $julianDay, $preferredLanguage ) {
        $foundBegin = GovTimespan.NO_BEGIN;
        $foundName = null;
        $foundLanguage = null;
        $foundNameIsValidAtInterestingTime = false;
        $interestingTime = new GovTimespan( $julianDay*10+2, $julianDay*10+2, true );
        foreach($govObject->name as $name ) {
            $nameTimeBegin = GovTimespan.NO_BEGIN;
            $nameBegin = GovTimespan.NO_BEGIN;
            $nameTimeEnd = GovTimespan.NO_END;
            if( isset($name->begin) ) { 
                $nameTimeBegin = $name->begin->jd * 10 + $name->begin->precision; 
                $nameBegin = $name->begin->jd ;
            if( isset($name->end) ) { $nameTimeEnd = $name->end->jd * 10 + $name->end->precision; }
            $nameTime = new GovTimespan( $nameTimeBegin, $nameTimeEnd, true );
            if ($nameBegin <= $julianDay) {
                if (($preferredLanguage != null) &&
                        $preferredLanguage == $foundLanguage &&
                        $preferredLanguage != $name->lang) {
                    // TODO what should happen here?
                } else {
                    $weDontHaveAnyNameYet = ($foundName == null);
                    $weHaveNotFoundCorrectLanguage =
                        (($preferredLanguage != null) &&
                        $preferredLanguage != $foundLanguage &&
                        $preferredLanguage == $name->lang);
                    $thisNameIsYoungerThanTheAlreadyFound =
                        (abs($nameBegin - $julianDay) < abs($foundBegin - $julianDay));
                    $thisNameIsValidAtInterestingTime = $interestingTime->overlaps($nameTime);
                     * Which conditions have to be satisfied to pick this name instead a possible other?
                     * 1. We don't have any name yet -> use this one
                     * 2. We have not found the correct language -> use this one
                     * 3. The already found name is not valid at the interesting time
                     *    AND
                     *       This name is valid at the interesting time.
                     *       OR
                     *       This name is younger than the already found name.
                    if ($weDontHaveAnyNameYet || $weHaveNotFoundCorrectLanguage ||
                            (!$foundNameIsValidAtInterestingTime &&
                            ( $thisNameIsValidAtInterestingTime | $thisNameIsYoungerThanTheAlreadyFound) )) {
                        $foundName = $name;
                        $foundBegin = $nameBegin;
                        $foundLanguage = $name->lang;
                        $foundNameIsValidAtInterestingTime = $interestingTime->overlaps($nameTime);
        if (($foundName == null) && ($preferredLanguage != null)) {
            /* no name could be found for the specified language -> return a name in
             * any language
            $foundName = GovTools::getName($govObject, $julianDay, null);
        return $foundName->value;
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