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US Census
aus GenWiki, dem genealogischen Lexikon zum Mitmachen.
Thomas Kerwin 30.1.2012 : 1930 is the last available census at this time.
1940 census will be released on April 2, 2012. It will take several months to transcribe all the states.
Facts you should know about the early census records -
All census records [1790 – 1840] prior to the 1850 census ONLY listed the head of household; whether male or female.
NO specific age was stated for any family member
NO place of birth was stated – city, state, or country
NO city, town, or village is stated – only the county; however some census takers listed the township
NO street address was stated
NO marital status was stated – single, married, widowed, or divorced
NO family relationship was stated – brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter, wife, inlaw, etc…
NO occupation was stated
NO parental birthplaces are stated
NO race was stated [but assume “white”]
1850, 1860 & 1870 census records do not show family relationships, marital status or parental birthplaces.
Step children are not enumerated as “step” children Adopted children are not enumerated as “adopted” Grand children are not enumerated as “grand children” Orphaned children were not enumerated as "orphan"
1850 is the 1st census that shows all family members
1880 is the 1st census that shows parental birthplaces +++